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Just 3 Steps:

*** Only works on computers, not your device
  1. Click "On Google Maps"
  2. Zoom In
  3. Hold Control button and Drag Mouse to Rotate

Select a City to View Assessments

A Look at Property Assessments in

Where can I afford to buy a house? Compared to my neighbours, am I paying more property tax? Are there patterns that dramatically affect a house's assessment value?

This interactive map helps you answer these questions. Get started with some stories, or skip them to zoom in and click on a property.

Incompatible with your Browser
* This visualization needs hardware acceleration that your browser doesn't support. Please upgrade your browser, or view this with Chrome/Firefox on your computer.
Incompatible with IE or Edge
* This visualization runs much slower on IE/Edge, but works great with Chrome or Firefox. Please use one of those browsers.
Browser Does Not Support WebGL
* This visualization needs hardware acceleration that your browser doesn't support. Please make sure your browser supports, and has "WebGL" turned on.
* This visualization will work on your device if it's newer. If it's too slow, please try it on a computer! It's a map visualization, which would look better on a bigger screen anyhow, and 3D buildings will show up there too.

NOTE: Property assessments are not what houses sell for. They can, however, offer clues on where affordable housing can be found. Assessments are based on many factors, not just location. Does a house have a garage? A furnished basement? Air conditioning? How old is it?

Other Cities


Can You Add My City/Region?

Let your city/region know that you're interested and to contact us.

Can You Tie In More Data (like MLS)?

It's possible, but the data would have to be available for public use. We can also create private versions that include private/confidential data.

Where there concerns on the data? How did you deal with exemptions?

Calculations and notes about the unique aspects about each city's dataset can be found here.


Get updated when new features or extra data (like previous year assessments, building age, etc) are added by signing up for our mailing list below.


For questions, media enquiries about the tool, email me at assessments@darkhorseanalytics.com.

If you're interested in talking to us about a project, you can contact us by phone or email through our website.


This tool was created by Eugene Chen (@ideaOwl) at Darkhorse Analytics (@dhanalytics).

More information on this and our other tools can be found on our portfolio page.

Eugene Chen, Darkhorse Analytics
Zoom in to make it easier to select a property.
Stories in the Data
Median Assessed Value
For 2017, the median residential property assessment was set at $322,000. Here's how Edmonton's property assessments look relative to the median. Yellow to deep red are highest, turqoise to dark blue are lowest.
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